Health & Fitness

Primal Day 11

Maybe Day 11 is the day when your body realizes it’s not getting any carbs.  Ever again.  And it rebels.  Or maybe Day 11 is the day you babysit a bake sale for 2 hours, touching, smelling, absorbing sugar through your pores.  And it makes you crave sugar something fierce.

I did good all the way up until this evening.  I had one of my omelette muffins for breakfast (which were a big hit at the bake sale).  For a snack I had one of my primal cookies (which got qualified accolades from the bake sale, “Yeah, they’re good, for not having any sugar or flour in them”).  For lunch, leftover steak soup was on the table.  For an afternoon snack – macademia nuts, walnuts, and celery sticks.  For supper – leftover chicken tacos with avocado, salad, and onions.

After supper is when my resolve finally broke down.  I’m drinking glass of wine #2 (I’m drinking it even though it’s making my nose all runny), and I ate another primal cookie.  I also had a bite of  an almond roca cookie from the bake sale.  I WANT to eat the following: rice krispy treats, dark chocolate walnut cookies, cheese, a  big bowl of ice cream (which I don’t even like that much) and a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.  Hopefully I can stop myself.

So, today there was a minor set back.  Tomorrow I’m sure I’ll be back on track.  At least I made it to the gym today!

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